When you are your SELF first, your IDENTITY first

When you are your SELF first, your IDENTITY first, as the I, the Original Source, created you in its exact likeness, everything PERFECT, WHOLE and COMPLETE is automatically added continuously! This is called Identity Plus.
The purpose of existence is to always be your SELF first, last and always. This is accomplished through cleansing. It is through your Identity, free of toxic energies in the way of thoughts, words, deeds and actions, that the I, the Original Source, will give you Plus automatically.
You cannot be denied anything that is perfect, whole, complete and right for you when your are your SELF first.
Being your SELF first you automatically experience perfection in the way of Divine Thoughts, Words, Deeds and Actions. Allowing your toxic thoughts to be first, you automatically experience imperfection in the way of disease, confusion, resentment, depression, judgment and poverty.
What is Plus? DIVINE PEACE, DIVINE CLARITY, and DIVINE WEALTH beyond all intellectual understanding. And, Plus is automatic when you are your SELF first, last and always.
So, to be our SELVES first, last and always is our singular, our only purpose for being.